Practice with Embodied Confidence

Gender Affirming Care Training for Virtuosic Healers

You do complicated work—

—and see the world in complex ways. 

If you were a musician, we’re talking Chopin.

You play intricate compositions, and you handle nuanced, layered work with a grace that’s unmistakably yours

But with trans and nonbinary clients, suddenly it’s Chopsticks all over again.

You find yourself having to revisit the basic building blocks of your craft.

(FYI, I know you didn’t go into massive student loan debt so you could practice pronouns in a sentence grammar school-style…)

And it’s frustrating to know you’ve moved so far beyond this in every other area—but here, your hands fumble over keys that seem foreign.

The music just isn’t in you, no matter how much you long to hear it.

You’re crystal clear on this, though–

You DON’T want to be the provider who “doesn’t get it.”

You’ve seen those “affirming” colleagues… the tone-deaf ones who repeatedly misgender, misunderstand, and don’t self-correct. They make you furious.

I know there’s an ocean between you and them, virtuoso

they’d confuse Beethoven with the Backstreet Boys, for god’s sake.


Even though you can feel the difference, you can’t claim it.

You just don’t have the chops yet, and you don’t want to cause harm.

You also wish you could do more about the moral panic the world is having about trans people (seriously wtf)

…hell, you’d even settle for a solid comeback to your uncle when he spouts off about drag queens and bathrooms. (Btw, I’ve got a few for you - check out my Instagram)


In those quiet, painfully honest moments, you admit—

It’s tedious to go back to basics, and feel this vulnerable.

But that feels like the quiet part you aren’t supposed to say out loud…so you push it down, and just keep feeling like a goddamn fraud.

Well, virtuoso, you’re probably not a fraud.

And you’re definitely not alone. But I’ll level with you.

Getting to the level YOU want to be at?

A “certification” from the CEU superstore that sends you pamphlets in the mail won’t cut it here.

And deep down you know that, too.

Here’s the truth.

Trans affirming care, like every other skill set you’ve mastered, requires the perfect blend of knowledge, practice, and guidance to help you move beyond the technical skills, and settle into an intuitive flow.

Insider tip: this particular intuitive flow gives you life, purpose and inspiration about more than just trans folks—it blasts open your perspective on human nature, bringing back that boundless curiosity that brought you to this field in the first place.

Most training programs or consultations don’t offer the depth, nuance, and expert support you need to make that leap. To get the information out of your head and into your bones—embodied.

Luckily for you, that’s my superpower.

If you’re ready to stop practicing scales and want to start feeling the music again, let’s start the conversation.

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